Safety Alert
PRODUCT-SAFETY RETROFIT NOTICE Issued by ADAMS for MAK automated flanged valves 3", 4", 6", 8" and 12"/600#

Country: ---

Location: ---

Incident Date: ---   Time: ---

Type of Activity: ---

Cause: ---

Function: ---

What happened?:

A product-safety retrofit notice was issued by ADAMS Armaturen GMBH ON 23 December 2016.

The letter of notification can be downloaded here.

The following text is copied from the notification.

"Our MAK automated flanged valves MAK 3", 4", 6", 8" and 12"/600# have shown that the Thrust Bearing of the shaft can be exposed to higher than anticipated wear while in operation. If the wearing becomes too high there is a chance that the shaft can be discharged from the valve.

This has the potential to cause personal injury or damage to the surrounding area.

The Thrust Bearing is marked as a wearing part in the part list.

We strongly advise that you immediately inspect the Thrust Bearing with a depressurized valve to check for exposed wear, and contact us immediately for further action!

To address the issue, we will provide you with a modified Thrust Bearing and clamping device that will extend the life of the Thrust Bearing and mitigate the risk of premature failure.

Please confirm that you have received this information and that the information has been forwarded to the relevant person in your plant.

Please use the following information to contact us:

Please note that ADAMS takes great pride in its Quality promise and that is why we are proactively informing you about these findings."

Safety Alert number: 290
IOGP Safety Alerts


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